By Editors

NWMI’s 2018 Fellow Ambika Raja was in college when she was in an accident which left her with paraplegia. That didn’t stop her from studying journalism and becoming a reporter in Kerala where she works with the New Indian Express. She speaks on her plans for the future. This video was broadcast on Mathrubhumi on October 22, 2018. A summary translation:
“Hi, I’m Ambika Raja from Kerala. I’m a reporter with The New Indian Express and I love my job. It’s however a challenge to do reporting because most venues where I have to go to cover events are not accessible for wheelchair users. In fact, accessibility across Kerala is an issue for persons with disability, though people are helpful too. When I was studying in second year of college, I had an accident, as a result of which I now have paraplegia which has no cure. I underwent two months of intense rehabilitation at Christian Medical College, Vellore. I’m very happy to have been selected for the NWMI Fellowship for women journalists. I wanted to get rid of the inhibitions I had as a result of my disability and wanted to be a kind of inspiration to people so that they don’t hold back. I also did higher studies in journalism after my accident. I want to travel and become a famous journalist.”
The video can be viewed at https://www.mathrubhumi.com/videos/women/ambika-raja-s-life-1.3243371