Women journalists routinely face gender-based violence in the workplace and the field, online and offline, and there has been an increase in this violence in recent years. This report from the UN secretary general describes the current situation pertaining to women journalists, sets out the applicable international law, provides an account of initiatives in this area, and suggests ways to strengthening the safety of women journalists.
Women journalists routinely face gender-based violence in the workplace and the field, online and offline, and there has been an increase in this violence in recent years. A study by the International Women’s Media Foundation and International News Safety Institute found that nearly two-thirds of women journalist respondents had experienced some form of intimidation, threats or abuse in relation to their work.
This report from the UN secretary general, submitted in accordance with General Assembly resolution 70/162, on journalists and impunity, focuses on the safety of women journalists in the course of their work. It describes the current situation pertaining to women journalists, sets out the applicable international law, provides an account of initiatives in this area, and suggests ways to strengthening the safety of women journalists through a gender sensitive approach. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights which prepared the report on behalf of the Secretary-General sought contributions from member states; international and regional organizations; national human rights institutions; and non-governmental organizations. The report also draws on a range of public sources, including United Nations human rights mechanisms and work by scholars, practitioners and civil society organisations.
The PDF is available here
August 2017