At the conference’s public meeting on February 3, a panel with media participation from Srilanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India spoke on theme: ‘Media, war and conflict: Will the media in South Asia give peace a chance?’ The panellists were Rehana Hakim, editor of Newsline, Pakistan; Sharmini Boyle, producer-director, YA TV, Srilanka; Sumi Khan, senior reporter with Daily Samakal, based in Bangladesh, and Urvashi Butalia, publisher-editor of Zubaan Books. The panel was chaired by Kalpana Sharma, deputy editor, The Hindu, Mumbai.
National Meet: Kolkata 2006

Media, war and conflict: Report of the fourth national meet, Kolkata, 2006
Kolkata, February 3-5 , 2006
From February 3 to 5, 2006, network members from all over the country gathered in Kolkata to participate in our fourth National NWMI meet. Our hosts, the Bengal chapter of NWMI, put up an admirable three-day event.

Shoma Chatterji’s report, “Readers are our only support”, for India Together, looked at biases and strengths in the media. Rehana Hakim spoke to Ranjita Biswas reporting for Trans World Features. Rina Mukherji reported that the NWMI meet brought into focus the problems and prospects of closer cooperation between mediapersons in South Asia.