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Another rape. Same old solution.

Another rape. Same old solution.

Another rape. Same old solution. Lock up the women. Give them a list of things they must not do, in addition to all the safety precautions they’ve already been following. Unsafe at home. Unsafe at work. Unsafe on the streets.

If every woman, no matter the age, has experienced uncomfortable and sexually loaded comments, threats of sexual violence, catcalls and predatory behaviour, it points to a society that needs to be re-socialised to treat 50 per cent of its population with respect, honour and not just as pawns to be used to satisfy the other half of the population and score political points.

Laws without enforcement, death penalty and hangings of rapists have not deterred sexual crimes. And we are talking only of reported violations. Women can’t be held responsible to carry the burden of taking care of their own safety, any more. Men, the good ones, who are silent in the face of misogyny, sexual abuse and prevailing patriarchal mindsets from their own kind, must speak up and break their silence. This has to be the new bro-code.

InkSights is a monthly art series by NWMI member Anupama Bijur viewing current affairs through a gender and news lens.

© 2024 Network of Women in Media, India (NWMI).

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